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Understanding the Divorce Process

In today’s modern life, divorce is listed as one of the most emotionally and mentally stressful events. It can be one of the hardest experiences one can have to hurdle without taking in too many emotional scars.

For married Australians, getting a divorce can only be had if you, your partner, and your lawyers prove to the court that your marriage is irretrievable. This means there is no chance that your relationship can be mended.

In such a setting, when you and your spouse both decide to end your marriage, when you are clueless about what the divorce might bring you (a legal disaster or an equitable and fair shake of the law), you certainly would need a divorce lawyer.

The circumstances might load up such an emotional load for you as you face the prospect of divorce. However, lose all the other things associated with it, and face only one fact: divorce is a legal issue, all emotions aside.

What Does a Divorce Lawyer Do For You?

Your lawyer can do so much to bring you out of the dirty mire of divorce. First and foremost, your divorce lawyer will give you legal advice to help you make knowledgeable decisions on the best way to proceed.

Making decisions without knowing too little or your best options is foolish at best. Your lawyer can help you understand how divorce is going to affect you and the family. Here are some of the best things your divorce lawyer can do to help you deal with divorce.

Assistance in legal procedure

A divorce lawyer can help you understand every step of the divorce process. They have the right knowledge to handle your case properly. 

They know how to process and progress your legal case. They know what evidence is legally relevant to your situation. This is in order for you to achieve the best possible court-ordered outcome or agreement for you and your ex-spouse. Legally.

Provide legal advice

Your divorce lawyer will give you the right information on what to do throughout the process of divorce. He or she wants to ensure you do not do anything that will affect negatively your case.

Should the case go to court, divorce lawyers Gold Coast will guide you through what will happen in the courtroom. They will also tell you what you should be doing, and what you should be saying so that you put your best foot forward to achieve the best possible court outcome.

Divorce papers

Your divorce lawyer will submit your divorce papers to the appropriate court for consideration and approval. He or she will assist you and prepare all the required divorce paperwork.

A divorce lawyer will submit your divorce papers to the appropriate court for consideration and approval. They will assist you and prepare all of the required divorce paperwork.


Your lawyer helps determine the property to be divided between you and your spouse, whether you are married, whether you are living in a common-law relationship. He will help you understand the value of the assets and the debts to be divided.

In addition, it is often the case that you may not know the full extent of the assets and liabilities of the marriage or the marriage-like relationship with common-law spouses.

When your divorce lawyers need to request information, they figure out things and figure things out even before asking the court to make any final determinations.

Develop evidence

Your divorce lawyer needs to consider what facts should be placed in evidence before the court. He then requests documents that can be ordered by the court. These requests might include requests for bank statements, company documents, investment accounts, statements as to debts, and many others. 

They will ensure that all the court filings, forms, and others are filled out correctly and checked for errors. They will give the court all the relevant information to the settlement procedure.

Handling the court proceedings

Your lawyer can foresee that a settlement might be possible, it is still possible that it may be required that the next action will proceed for you in the courtroom. The best possible settlement is having the evidence as if you are going to court.

Your divorce lawyer will guide you through all these and will recommend for you the best course of action in your specific case.

In some cases, the question is simply the debt division. In many cases, however, this is not an option. There could be some high net worth of one or both of these spouses which according to law belong to the marriage and should be divided equally.

Submitting evidence

Should the case proceeds to court, your divorce lawyer will present to the court the evidence most favorable to you. In the courtroom in a trial, there will be oral evidence and cross-examinations. 

Your lawyer will prepare you with the best evidence available that will make you ready for such a happening. Your lawyer will cross-examine your ex-spouse on their evidence.

Trial or negotiations

One good divorce lawyer is going to object to irrelevant questions and considerations object to irrelevant considerations and arguments which are improperly made by the other lawyer or by the other party. 

However, the majority of cases can be resolved through proper negotiation and settlement. This can only happen if your divorce lawyer had thoroughly prepared the case as if it is going to go to trial to get the best outcome in the settlement. 

Then, if the case does not settle, you are ready to go to trial because your divorce lawyer has done the legwork properly to be ready for that eventuality.

Your divorce lawyer should do whatever is necessary to resolve the process in the best possible way for you, according to the law and, of course, having regard to all of the requirements placed on the lawyer through the Code of Ethics which governs all lawyers.

Divorce mediation

In mediation, mediators are trained to keep their emotions away from both sides. Mediation is focused on settlement. However, they are also focused on the information needed for the divorce in the same way that a judge would decide.

Preparing for mediation is like preparing for a full trial. A mediator cannot decide the issues unless they see all the evidence. Your divorce lawyer can guide you through all these. He or she can help you mediate and ensure that you get a fair settlement in the agreement between the parties.

In mediation, it is always a good idea to proceed with a divorce lawyer than going to it alone.


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